
Royal Oaks 900mhz repeater


 OUTPUT 927.6750 MHZ

INPUT   902.0375    MHZ


P25 NAC 293

Allstar Node 43473

Located  in West Prunedale. Overlooking Salinas and Monterey Peninsula  @ 325', 

The Royal Oaks 900MHZ Repeater  is owened by Harry, W6HPB.

The Royal Oaks  900MHZ repeater is a Motorola Quantar with a output of 100 watts into a Comet KP-20 Vertical antenna mounted on 50' tower. The antenna has about  9db of gain and is fed with 7/8" Andrew hardline.

The Duplexer is a Band pass / Notch design.

Connected to the Quantar's console port is a Rasberry Pi with URI  for the Allstar Node

Salinas Valley 900 MHZ Repeater System radio communication equipment

This repeater covers the Monerey peninsula, Pajaro, Moss Landing,  Santa Cruz coastlinne, and Prunedale.